Trimondi Online Magazine





Rudra’s Red Banner

Moksha and Marxism


By Peter Wilberg


Peter Wilberg (born in London in 1952) is an independent philosophical thinker, teacher, therapist and author of ethnic German and Jewish-German background.  He has published more than 20 books including the following themes: philosophy of consciousness, the philosophy of science and religion, of medicine and health, listening and human relations, psychosomatics and psychotherapy, politics and monetary economics, gnosticism, yoga and tantra. In his text “Rudra’s Red Banner” he speaks about “Moksha and Marxism”. In the Hindu tradition, moksha is a central concept meaning self-realization, self-knowledge, awareness and refers to various forms of emancipation, liberation, and release.


What did attracted our attention was, that he has at least in this book no monistic conception of mokhsa but he introduces the idea, that moksha is characterized by polarity, that it is an expression of relational or participatory spirituality. To substantiate his arguments he uses extensively the interpretation of Tibetan Tantra and Polarity in our book The Shadow of the Dalai Lama, mainly our last chapter Creative Polarity beyond Tantrism. He also sees Polarity as a Marxist principle und designs a worldview of a liberated society where “relation” is the main spiritual metaphor. “If you regard spirituality primarily as the fruit of individual practices, such as meditative attainment, then you can have the gross anomaly of a ‘spiritual’ person who is an interpersonal oppressor, and the possibility of ‘spiritual’ traditions that are oppression-prone. If you regard spirituality as centrally about liberating relations between people, then a new era of participative religion opens up, and this calls for a radical restructuring and reappraisal of traditional spiritual maps and routes.” (John Heron)

