Trimondi Online Magazine






As it is also shown in Part 2 of Yoichi Shimatsu’s article (Victory for Shambhala) the apocalyptic ideology of Shoko Asahara has been influenced for a good part by the Shambhala Myth of the Kalachakra-Tantra. One characteristic of this end time prophecy is the obsession of cosmic weaponry. Already in the first chapter of the Tantra seven exceptionally destructive arts of weapon are described (verses 135-145). This really un-Buddhist obsession of armament is taken by Asahara very seriously and he did transport it from the world of religious imagination into reality, in the most destructive form of warfare. His right hand in this venture was his “science and technology minister” Hideo Murai. (See also: The Japanese Doomsday Guru Shoko Asahara and XIV. Dalai Lama)



Part 1

StarWars and The Final War
The Life, Death and Secret Weapons Research of Hideo Murai,

Science and Technology Minister of Aum Shinrikyo

By Yoichi Shimatsu


Synopsis: Hideo Murai, the late Aum Shinrikyo science and technology minister, was one of the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived, with an IQ higher than Einstein’s. He studied astrophysics, concentrating on X-ray detection. His field, it turns out, was the key to developing new types of weapons more powerful than nuclear bombs, which are still being developed and tested by Japan’s military-industrial complex after his death. Murai’s most outrageous claim was that Kobe was destroyed with laser-powered seismic weapons—a claim many in the media scoffed. But a closer look at Murai’s own research in Kobe shows that the possibility should not be discounted.

Hideo Murai, in green jacket, is stabbed by ethnic Korean hitman Hiroyuki Jo,

in camouflage sweater, assisted by two accomplices as a TBS video camera

crew records the murder in front of Aum’s Tokyo press office in April ‘95.


The first thing to understand about the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived is that he was a burakumin—he came from an underclass, a subgroup that has remained impoverished, discriminated against and morally damned by Japanese society. That’s why he wasn’t accepted at a top school such as Tokyo University or Kyoto University, and wasn’t in the ranks of Japan’s academic scientific elite.


Had he been born a regular commoner instead of a “new” commoner (which is how the social station was redefined by Meiji Era democratic reforms), he’d probably still be alive and on his way to earning a Nobel Prize in science. Instead, he became the science chief of an apocalyptic sect and was murdered in a brutal knife attack. Anyone raised under a social system like the ones in England, Japan or India knows one thing: Class kills.

Being brilliant, he made the grade to be accepted as a graduate student in science at a second-tier school, Osaka University. His chosen field was astrophysics, particularly the study of cosmic rays, specifically X-rays. Being non-visible energy, the radiation of very short wavelength requires numerical measurement, which means the handling of vast amounts of data. In college Murai developed the program for a personal computer that run the algorithms for his calculations, a fact that impressed his professors. (This presumably was the prototype of the “green computer” used by Kiyohide Hayakawa to conduct measurements for electromagnetic weapons tests in West Australia.)

To Murai’s great misfortune, he did not get an appointment after graduation at the major public research institute like the Science and Technology Agency’s programs in Tsukuba. Instead he was hired by a most unlikely private employer—Kobe Steel. The job, at least, was higher paying than a public job, and it was located in beautiful Kobe. From his company dormitory, it was an easy bicycle journey for a weekend of camping on Mount Rokko or even to the forests of Shikoku Island. At Kobe Steel, also, he met a young female employee, who would become his wife.

His research work at Kobe Steel was to develop a radically new way of casting steel. This much is known about his research at the Kobe Steel laboratory, which was totally destroyed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995. There are obvious reasons why his work there remains shrouded in secrecy, so much so that even the Japanese police have been unable to crack. Like much else in the Aum affair—the nerve gas attacks, for example—an understanding of science and technology can illumine the type of challenges and problems the Aum scientists faced.

Based on advanced Soviet studies in electromagnetism that were leaked to the West in the latter half of the 1970s, Japanese physicists were opening the doors to new applications of electromagnetic (EM) energy. (The Japanese interest is obvious—vastly more efficient uses of energy, with superconductivity, EM levitation and even untested cold fusion—could help energy-poor Japan weather future shocks like the oil boycott of the early 1970s.)

One Soviet industrial application of EM energy is “cold molding” of steel. Cold molding because hot molten steel is problematic. When casting very large objects, the metal tends to crack when cooling—these cracks are not necessarily visible, but can be microscopic crazing of crystalline structures. Welding is a good example of how microcracks lead to megadamage—ruptured pipelines in Arctic regions are nearly all due to such cracking.


Submarine hulls are another example of crack-vulnerable steel—which make the work of sinking subs all the more easier for depth charges. Molten steel is also difficult to handle in very small (nanostructures) objects, for microrobots. Hot molds leave rough edges that need to be ground—a task nearly impossible for complicated parts the size of a pinhead.

How is cold molding done? When two or more beams of intense microwave energy are focused on metal, they create a second wavelength due to interference. This secondary energy can cause a resonant vibration in the chemical-electrical bonds which the iron molecules in a crystalline structure. The rupture of these bonds and the collapse of the crystalline structure will turn the metal into a cold liquid state. After a short period of time, new bonds are formed and the metal hardens into its new shape.

Practical application of this rather esoteric technology is a matter of controlling the conditions in the lab site. Powerful electromagnetic radiation ionizes the air and any impurities in the steel, causing the creation of a plasma, or ionized gas, of extremely high temperatures. So high that it would vaporize the steel and even the lab equipment. To prevent a horrible accident and conduct the experiment flawlessly, research scientists like Murai must have conceived of EM shields, that is, protective screens and clothing.


The most obvious means of controlling plasma is by containing the experiment—as in a fusion reactor—with electromagnets, either in a donut or sphere-shaped vessel. Finally, his subject of study—steel itself—was problematic because it is highly magnetic. It would tend to defect the radiation, channel it into unexpected paths along field lines and into magnetic poles, like the ones in the Earth; it would tend to shudder and fragment and dance unpredictably instead of collapsing smoothly; and when it collapsed it would release bursts of radiation, sometimes of explosive dimensions.

These practical problems undoubtedly opened the way to new insights for Murai into the potential of EM radiation—as the energy that would drive the supreme weapons of the next century.

Here, we can probe beyond these speculative probabilities because Murai discussed these matters in Aum Shinrikyo’s radio programEuangelion Tes Basileias.” Broadcast December 4, 1994, (transcript published in “Disaster Approaches the Land of the Rising Sun”: Aum Publishing, 1995), a roundtable discussion of the Final War was held by Murai, Asahara, Hayakawa, a sect member who studied physics at Tokyo University, Dr. Ikuo Hayashi and others. Murai focused on the current state of EM weapons development research in general.

He stated that American researchers with the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program were studying X-rays to incapacitate ballistic missiles. “However, this employs a nuclear bomb to generate X-rays, so it is hard to use on the ground.” X-rays are difficult to generate in sufficiently powerful amounts, he concluded.

Murai then discussed alternatives to X-ray technology: generation of EM beams using lasers and plasma. He discounted the use of ultraviolet (used to induce chemical reactions, kill bacteria) and visible light lasers, as they are useless for manipulating metal. Infrared, or heat lasers, including CO and CO2 lasers, are used for cuffing and welding, and he states they have a high energy level. But his interest seemed to dwell on submillimeter waves of sort used in electron-beam weapons. “And it is being studied by militaries.”

Laser-driven EM weapons could then be used to produce plasma or ionized gas of about 4,000 C. Plasma could be used to knock out missile midair or vaporize the human contents inside hardened bunkers, as what happened to some 4,000 Iraqi troops in the Gulf War, Murai claimed.


Murai asserted that plasma could be created outside the laboratory. “Plasma can be generated at the intersection of microwaves coming from three directions. To use it effectively to generate plasma at any point on the Earth it should be designed so that it can be deployed from space, that is, from artificial satellites…. There is a high possibility that a plasma weapon is actually in place.”


His immediate concern was to protect Aum from the new class of weapons. He said he suspected that Asahara’s driver had been targeted with laser “blinding” weapons (and sustained some eye damage), in an attempt to assassinate the Guru. Murai designed reflective, filtering goggles to protect the driver. He noted the health effects of EM, and was also working on developing aluminum coated Mylar for protective coating against electromagnetic radiation.


His goal was to produce a see-through metallic net against electromagnetism for Asahara limousine. Iron nets, however, he cautioned create plasma, and even copper nets created some microplasma and tended to melt because of electrical resistance. Murai finally admits the only real protection against EM beams and lasers would be a magnetic shield.

What this radio discussion does is provide some insights into his research work—and the related technical problems—at Kobe Steel and later as Aum’s science chief possibly conducting under contract with foundations financed by Japan’s science ministry and major corporations. The cold molding experiments in Kobe Steel’s waterfront lab probably used three convergent microwave beams. But the crystalline structure may not have always collapsed into a cold melt.


At high energy levels, they may have created plasma powerful enough to destroy the steel molecules and cause havoc in the lab. Because of the harmful effects of radiation on the human body, Murai and his colleagues probably tried to shield the experiments inside a magnetic sphere to prevent a potential plasma discharge, which could have easily killed someone. He must have succeeded, as massive electromagnetic disturbances were reported in the ionosphere above Kobe during the six months before the Hanshin Earthquake.

In 1994, the New York chapter of Aum contacted the Tesla Society, based in that city, to gain access to Nikola Tesla’s patents and designs. In January 1995, Aum sent six members of a Japan Tesla Society it inaugurated to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade to seek out his notebooks. The Croatian Serb inventor (1856-1943) is, of course, a legend, not least for the fact that he reputedly caused an artificial earthquake in Manhattan and Colorado and for his boasting that he could split the Earth like an apple.


He also invented the radio before Marconi, created AC electrical current and transformed Westinghouse Corp. from a manufacturer of pumps into a giant of the electrical industry. Thomas Edison feared his genius and mounted highly unethical media campaigns to destroy Tesla’s reputation—which the curmudgeon partially succeeded in doing, though Tesla’s inventions powered Westinghouse into the 20th century.

Despite his penchant for dramatic stunts—like casting massive bolts of artificial lightning and illuminating lightbulbs from miles away without wires Tesla’s theories were based on intimations that the Earth—a spinning ball of iron repelling with its electromagnetic field the lethal tides of the solar wind—is a massive electromagnet that ceaselessly creates power of unimaginable proportions. This latent power, he knew, could be tapped without great technical difficulty to give humankind nearly unlimited power for peaceful uses or for the most diabolical warfare.

The Aum members reported to Murai that many of Tesla’s most important papers were confiscated by the U.S. government and remain classified. And that Tesla’s name, practically unknown in Japan, is a household word to scientists of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Japanese scientists, in short, were being locked out of the 21st century.

But not entirely excluded. In the late-1980s, after the Armenian earthquake, the Soviet Union and Japan created a joint seismic study project. Rumors persist in Tokyo that at one meeting, which included government officials, the Soviet side offered to sell Japan a technology that could create earthquakes. After this initial approach, the entire subject apparently became top secret, those who attended the meeting reversed their testimony and denied such an offer had been made, and no further mention has since ever occurred.

On January 8, 1995-- nine days before the Great Hanshin Earthquake—Guru Shoko Asahara predicted in a radio broadcast that an earthquake was imminent in Kobe: "Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995. The most likely place is Kobe.” Did a machine cause the Kobe earthquake like Murai claimed at the April 7 news conference at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Japan? In response to a question about the earthquake machine, he replied, “In Kobe before the quake, there were several factors present: large scale construction (new mega-bridge, skyscrapers, port facilities), the phenomenon of pink-colored light radiating in the sky immediately before the quake, a strong electromagnetic reading was recorded, the tidal power of the Moon and sun was at its maximum, and the density of radium released from the ground rose and then disappeared,” he said at the FCCJ.


“There is a strong possibility of the activation of an earthquake using electromagnetic power, or somebody may have used a device that applied force inside the Earth.” Along this line of inquiry, if we hypothetically discount a natural temblor and accept the possibility of an artificially induced earthquake, two scenarios stand out:


  • Kobe was destroyed intentionally by the government of Russia or the United States—or possibly North Korea
  • or the Hanshin quake was triggered by an accidental electromagnetic discharge


Aum Shinrikyo holds to the former, that the Kobe quake was an act of war, a field experiment in mass destruction similar to the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and a plutonium weapon on Nagasaki in 1945. They point the finger at America. The following are quotes from Disaster Approaches the Land of the Rising Sun: “On that very day (January 17, 1995), a joint Japanese-American conference on disaster preparedness was being held in Osaka. There were experts in various kinds of disasters, such as earthquakes. They immediately went to Kobe after the earthquake occurred... Did they know the ‘appointed’ date of the earthquake, standing by in nearby Osaka until the earthquake occurred?”


Aum concludes: “The city of Kobe was hit by a surprise attack. Moreover, the hanshin area has all the aspects an infrastructure of a city within a small area. It was the best place for simulating an earthquake-weapon attack against a big city such as Tokyo. Kobe was the appropriate guinea pig.”

In favor of this rather bizarre theory are:


  • the Kobe area was the stronghold of the opposition Socialist Party and, so for political reasons, a disaster there would help undermine the Murayama government (Prime Minister Tomuchi Murayama was a Socialist)
  • the multibillion-dollar Port of Kobe was financed with Deutschemark bond issues in Germany and so a devastating attack on Kobe would disrupt the re-emerging Japan-German economic axis
  • Kobe was the center of the most vulnerable banks in Japan because of the strong yakuza influence there and so it was the Achilles heel of the Japanese financial system


Would America commit such an immoral crime? In the Japanese imagination, the country that dropped the A-bombs is capable of anything.

A variation of this theory needs also to be suggested: that Russia or North Korea used electromagnetic weapons against Kobe to cripple Japan and to scapegoat the United States through an Aum propaganda campaign. (Many of Asahara’s more violent predictions were timed with the return of Kiyohide Hayakawa following his visits to Pyongyang and Moscow.) Aum published a map with Kobe at the epicenter of convergent circles—but the map also included the entire Korean Peninsula, indicating perhaps some significant relationship.

The other possibility is that Kobe may have been the victim of an accidental discharge of electromagnetic power.
The conditions were ideal for a manmade quake:


  • two parallel faultlines along a narrow shore, dams in the hills (seismologists attribute several quakes to dam construction)
  • a high-powered Bullet Train line tunnel cut through the rock of Mount Rokko
  • a massive bridge being build across Awaji Channel (the epicenter)
  • convergence of powerlines and deep steel pilings on artificial islands in Kobe Bay


All Kobe needed was someone to pull the trigger. By 1995, the Kobe Steel lab—located along the Otsuki faultline in Kobe’s waterfront—may have discharged sufficient energy to have accidentally triggered a quake. The electromagnetic beams and their configuration used for cold molding steel is, for all practical purposes, identical to the Soviet seismic weapon. The only difference is the level of power, but by 1995 Kobe Steel may have acquired the sufficiently powerful energy boosters.

By the early 1980s, Russia was shipping Procyon energy boosters, an invention of Andrei Sahkarov, to the U.S. Army’s Redstone testing center. This was a key technology for the Vladivostok-to-Vancouver missile defense plan. One of the major problems in creating a wide area of plasma is energy, or the lack of it. A shield large enough to cover a mid-size U.S. state would require all the world’s electrical output.


The Procyon can produce that much energy—for a fraction of a second (that is enough to get the job done). Other reusable Russian energy devices do much the same (though not quite as powerful) over longer periods of time, making space-based anti-missile defense a real possibility. This technological leap explains why the Republicans are now so gung-ho to revive SDI.

Was Murai’s research financed by the government after he left Kobe Steel to work fulltime with Aum? After 2-1/2 years at Kobe Steel—during which time he studied yoga with Asahara’s group—Murai got married in Nepal, joined Aum Shinrikyo’s priesthood in 1986 and became the head of its science unit. Evidence gathered in Australia and elsewhere (to be discussed in future issues of Archipelago) indicates that Murai’s research may have received covert funding under Japan’s Star Wars program.


(Although SDI was terminated by the U.S. Congress in 1989, Japanese covert funding to major corporations has apparently sustained the research in the U.S., Japan and Russia; the BMDO (Ballistic Missile Defense Organization) is now more of a Japanese-engineered program than a strictly Pentagon operation).


Star Wars was the pet project of former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who took a keen personal in future weaponry. Did Hideo Murai ever deliver an executive briefing to the former Prime Minister and his aides and political associates?

Murai gave his only interview to the foreign press on April 5, 1995, when he met two American journalists for a 45-minute discussion. At that time, he said he was ready to disclose everything to the police and the FBI. In less than three weeks, and just one week before he was planning to turn himself in to the police, Hideo Murai was stabbed to death by an ethnic Korean, who was affiliated with a
yakuza organization known to be a political ally of Nakasone—as TBS videotaped the scene, perhaps to make sure he would never speak again.

Why did electromagnetic weapons appeal so much to Japanese defence planners and the military-industrial complex? Mainly because they are billed as defensive weapons systems and, therefore, do not violate the Constitution. This also explains Murai’s eagerness to protect his sect and his country from a militaristic United States (anyone who doesn’t think America is militaristic had better take a look at the size of the Pentagon budget and the Department of Energy’s own advanced research into electromagnetic weapons.)


As the next century approaches, the rule for winning tomorrow’s wars is changing from the smart-bomb Gulf War days: The best offence is a strong defence. Whoever can disable another country’s nuclear and conventional forces in the air, under the sea and on the ground will emerge as the winner in the 21st century wars.

The bad news for the world is that the electromagnetic experiments, initiated by Murai and implemented by Hayakawa, are continuing unabated under the direct supervision of top university scientists and Japan’s military-industrial complex. (Watch for this breaking story in future issues of Archipelago). When (not if) EM weapons are used, and if the Final War turns out as Asahara predicted—a victory for the Buddhist East—Murai, Hayakawa and other Aum scientists will be hailed by all of chanting humanity as the saints of electromagnetic warfare and plasma weaponry.


Vancouver to Vladivostok: Another V2 Bomb?

“From space, one could control the Earth’s weather, cause drought and floods, change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, make temperature climates frigid.” (Lyndon B. Johnson then a US. Senator, 1957)


Was LBJ hallucinating? The hardheaded, ultra-pragmatic Texas politician was not known to be a daydreamer. Johnson, after all, didn’t use much imagination to become Senate Majority Leader, Kennedy’s VP or founder of the Great Society. He lacked the imaginative genius to either win or stop the Vietnam War. So what is this sci-fi stuff he’s talking about—back in the ‘50s?

Well, the following year in an experimental program called Project Argus, the U.S. Navy exploded three atomic bombs in the newly discovered Van Allen belts, about 2,000 miles above the Earth. The Soviets were doing the much the same with bigger bombs. Sure enough, just like LBJ predicted, the weather went crazy in the early ‘60s. So the answer is: Sen. Johnson was not clairvoyant or an alien abductee, he was merely privy to highly classified information from the Pentagon.

Since Project Argus, the United States has made great strides in global climate engineering, and so has France, Israel and South Africa. But Soviets did even better at refining the core technology used to control weather and to play mind games—electromagnetic energy, especially microwave particle beams, and extra-long (ELF) and ultra-long frequency (ULF) waves.

When the Soviets exploded their early A-bombs at the Semipalatinsk test site (in Kazakhstan), they noticed that the blasts repeatedly set off earthquakes of unpredictable magnitude, duration and distance from the site.


Over time, they realized the quakes weren’t cause by triggering latent instability in the rock structure—quakes were being induced by some mysterious cause. After subtracting blast energy from the subsequent earth motion, the equation came up positive. The quakes weren’t caused by the physical force of the nuclear blast, but by a consequent resonance wave of unusual length. Nukes were merely acting like wave generators, and inefficient ones at that.

Like using dynamite to make waves in a swimming pool. At the Kremlin’s behest to develop new weapons to counter the U.S. edge in advanced weapons, physicists like Andrei Sakharov and N.A. Kozyrev and Sergei Korolev, the father of Sputnik, put their own energies into finding more subtle and therefore more efficient generators. As they rebuilt the Soviet Union’s scientific research establishment after World War II, they had to rely on theory when the technology or finding was unavailable and attempt conceptual leaps that the better-funded, but more conservative Western researchers wouldn’t dare.


The obvious place to look for novel theories about electromagnetism was in the papers of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the Serbo-Croatian inventor who transformed Westinghouse from a maker of water pumps into the world’s leading electronics manufacturer. Unfortunately for the Soviets, most of his sensitive papers after his death were classified by the U.S. military and put into cold storage and occasionally taken out for back-burner research by the Pentagon. So the KGB went to work, finding other scientists who were developing what has come to be known as “scalar” energy based on Tesla’s theories of electromagnetism. Simply put, Tesla devised a way to use a purer form of electromagnetic energy, by separating electrical charge from mass.


Since the Earth is basically a huge electrical generator (scientists recently discovered, thanks to the soundings from the French nuclear tests at Mururoa, that the Earth’s steel core is moving faster than the outer mantle, generating charge. It is possible to manipulate this charge, greatly easing power demands and reducing the factor of electrical resistance. With Tesla’s technologies, it becomes possible to create standing waves in the atmosphere or through the Earth itself and combine basic scalar waves into more conventional forms of EM energy or into pulse weapons of devastating power.

Sergei Korolev, the founder of the early Soviet space program who designed Sputnik and put Yuri Gagarin into orbit, immediately thereafter launched nuclear reactors aboard orbiting satellites, to fire electron pulses into the ionosphere, and bounced radio waves off this EM mirror from powerful transmitters on the ground and aboard ships. The Soviet Union’s winters started to warm; though the distorted jet stream brought havoc to other parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Korsakov died in 1966, but his research didn’t.


“Man will move from the passive contemplation of the climate to actively shaping it. We shall learn to modify the weather, as we need. Our spacecraft will be able to induce rain in arid zones or to dispel thunderclouds to prevent torrential rains and hailstorms,” Korolev said in 1963, using the future tense, even though the weather experiments were well under way.


Besides ELF waves, great progress was made in satellite communications with microwaves. The dangers of microwaves were already apparent, as microwave-plasma incinerators (like the one Aum owned) show when they destroy all tissue, bacterial material and viruses at biological weapons labs in a whirling ball of ionized gas. But telecommunications companies learned the hard way, whenever their satellite relays happened to miss a ground antenna (which are usually sited in isolated locations, far from nearby buildings).


Massive streams of microwaves can penetrate non-metallic or non-shielded structures and vaporize anyone inside. This, of course, is the scientifically plausible explanation for “spontaneous human combustion.” If any reader of this page knows of such cases, please inform the surviving family to look for the nearest relay station and sue the Telecom Company.

By the 1970s, the Soviets were so far ahead in the game of electronic warfare – with over-the-horizon radar, ULF submarine communications, weather control, anti-radar systems and the like—that the American military had to play catch-up, under the cover of anti-ballistic missile defense research, which Ronald Reagan called SDI program and became widely known as “Star Wars.”

The one event that stands out since LBJ’s day is the end of the Cold War per se. Old rivalries don’t die, they just fade away. In October 1996, an ex-KGB spymaster Vladimir Galkin was arrested at JFK airport and arraigned the next month on espionage charges. Galkin was allegedly trying to obtain documents from a symposium on sensors in Orlando in March, from the Electrical Energy Gun Conference at the Naval postgraduate school in Monterey, and from a lecture at Peterson Air Base, Colorado, on “electronic warfare challenges for space systems.”


One of Galkin’s sources for Star Wars secrets was an India-born engineer with Digital Electronic Corp. (DEC). Galkin was soon released after the Kremlin threw a fit, since Moscow has been selling the U.S. government technologies of much higher value, for example, the Procyon pulse explosive-generator (which generates voltage equaling the entire Earth’s output for a fraction of a second).

Now, it’s been 40 years since LBJ’s prophecy of global climate control. Forty years is an eon when it comes to the mind-boggling pace of R&D. So let’s jump ahead through hyperspace into 1996-97, without forgetting that in the interval Aum Shinrikyo scientists had been recently fishing for electromagnetic, laser and plasma weapons in Russia, as other articles in this sprawling series have discussed in fine detail.


Shield of the North

On Oct. 1, 1996, a high-level Russian official, like a luscious, wiggling Salami, dropped the last veil—while Guru Shoko Asahara, imitating John the Baptist, had his neck on the chopping block. The Herods of Tokyo were obviously delighted by what they saw.

On a visit to Tokyo, the Russian official (Deputy Foreign Minister Gregory Karasin happened to be visiting at the time.) announced that Russia would cooperate with Japan to create a joint anti-ballistic missile system to balance Chinese power in the region. This ABM system would eventually be linked to a similar U.S. anti-missile system, which is known as the HAARP program, run by the U.S. Navy in Alaska. HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is based on the ELF transmission system devised by Bernard Eastlund, former chief of the Atomic Energy Commission and consultant to Arco oil. (The prototype is registered with the U.S. Patent Office, #4686605.)

The next month, his chief, Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov (our old friend who met with former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone back in 1989, right before Aum Shinrikyo was ordered to develop an interest in Russia) arrived in Japan for three days of under-reported and unreported meetings. The one tidbit that was released to the public was that Japan would give Moscow $500 million for the first installment of joint economic development of the four disputed Kurile Islands.

Meanwhile, the Russian Navy and Japanese military were exchanging visits and weapons systems. (On his visit to Moscow last April, Defense Agency chief Hideo Usui held up a Russian sniper rifle, beaming the same crazed smile as Kiyohide Hayakawa, when the sect arms trader brandished an AK-74 in Moscow in 1992. What is it about Russian guns?) In November, Adm. Vladimir Kuroedov, a Russian Pacific Fleet commander, attends the Western Pacific symposium in Japan.

Back in Moscow, in July, a new Japanese ambassador arrives. Takehiro Togo, of course, is another one of our acquaintance from the good old days—being, in 1990, the Foreign Ministry’s Russian specialist who organized the Shintaro Abe mission to Moscow. Among the visitors was Toshio Yamaguchi, the godfather of Aum Shinrikyo’s Russian-Japan College, the sect’s main recruiting ground for Russian nuclear physicists and biochemists.


Yamaguchi, of course, was recently released from jail on $1 million bond, in January. All is forgiven, forget what happened on the subways, just get back to work, boys! (Indicted for fraud and embezzlement of now-bankrupt businesses, where did former Cabinet member Yamaguchi get the $1 million to post bail?)

Rather than begrudge these fine patriots, perhaps we are entitled to ask: What the hell is going on between Moscow and Tokyo? The problem, you see, the reason why the good patriots with Aum went to the trouble of penetrating the Russian defense and scientific establishment—well, to put it simply: It’s all the fault of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. In 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev flung open the doors of the Soviet military establishment to Shintaro Abe and Toshio Yamaguchi, and their gofers in Aum.


But Boris Yeltsin, the chief of the Russian republic, was taking an anti-Japanese tone, in his bid to topple Gorbachev, which he succeeded in doing. So by spring 1992, Guru Shoko Asahara, Kiyohide Hayakawa and some 200 other Aum members arrived in Moscow to fish for potential allies, Yeltsin’s security adviser Oleg Lobov.

At his April 1993 summit with President Bill Clinton, the pro-Western but nationalist (meaning anti-Japanese) Yeltsin proposed a joint anti-missile defense system under his “Vancouver to Vladivostok” (V2) initiative, also called simply “Trust.” From Vancouver, the grand shield would stretch across Canada, the Atlantic, Northern Europe and Russia all the way to Vladivostok.

What’s left out of this incomplete circle, of course, was Japan. The Japanese Foreign Ministry, the old sidekicks of Uncle Sam, were left out in the cold and decided to free lance in their bid for Russian technology.

The problem, you see, the reason why the good patriots with Aum went to the trouble of penetrating the Russian defence and scientific establishment—well, to put it simply: It’s all Gorbachev’s fault. In June 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev on his return from the U.S. made a speech in Kamchatka, in which he proposed a “Vancouver to Vladivostok” missile defence system. The V-V defence was to cover Russia, North Europe, the North Atlantic and North America. (Now, is it clear why the Gorbachev Foundation is based at the Presidio, former headquarters of the Western Defence Command?)

Now that the Tokyo subway-gassing furor has died down, Russia is selling Japan the most powerful weapons ever devised by humankind. Why is Washington looking on with approval? There are many reasons.


Targets for EM Weaponry

China Containment: Since the halcyon days of the Cold War twilight when Armand Hammer and the Commerce Department were covertly supplying computers designed in the U.S. and made in Japan to Moscow for Russian nuclear-missile submarines (High treason? This happened with Ronald Reagan’s nodding approval, and for good reason, to prevent a Red October scenario), the KGB and CIA have been married. But then a real problem flared. Wifey No.1, (remember the world’s most important relationship?) Japan, became embittered and tried to convince Russia to split with the U.S.


This led to the Aum affair. After the subway gassing, the principals decided on a threesome, a mènage à trois. This tripartite relationship was aimed at fencing in the rising power on the block, China, and little brother North Korea. (Meanwhile, Aum survived the police raids and made its comeback, since its original purpose in life was to infiltrate and subvert China, anyhow.) Japan was alarmed about North Korean missile development.


It bought Patriot missile batteries, but these are useless. So it’s desperate for Theatre Missile Defence (TMD) and any technology that can kill a missile above the launch pad. Russia offers its EM technology, and Japan is hooked. But in a real sneak attack, if one ever happens, North Korea could nuke Japan by simply sinking an oil tanker in Fukui Bay, which would clog the intake pipes of nuclear-power plants on the Japan Sea and cause multiple nuclear meltdowns, the fallout from which would kill or maim at least half the Japanese population. Pyongyang could even collect shipping insurance for the lost oil. Or a remote-controlled toy plane armed with a pocket nuke could also trigger a meltdown. In short, there is a thick air of unreality surrounding ABM technology, but it is a good way to sell a multipurpose technology to the Pentagon and to Tokyo.

The reason is the blinding speed of incoming ballistic missiles, the use of multiple warheads and the fact that warheads can be fitted with EM shields to deflect pulse weapons and standing waves. What EM pulse weapons are very efficient at doing is downing civilian passenger jets, like the rocket-crippled KAL 007 and, possibly, TWA 800.


While we respect Pierre Salinger and the French intelligence agency, it is really strange how nobody ever mentioned the fact that TWA 800 was flying close to Montauk Point the SA-Air Force electronic eavesdropping, over-the-horizon radar and air-defense base, which does not appear on standard road maps. A flash of light was seen approaching the jetliner. If the investigators are not lying through their teeth, the black boxes were instantaneously short-circuited and the fuel tank was ignited and blew outward—sure signs of an EM pulse.


Climate Control

Pilots repeatedly report UFOs over Hong Kong in 1994. A series of Chinese satellite-carrying rockets go haywire right after takeoff over the past two years. Floods of unusual ferocity sweep China and North Korea. Strange things are happening in the skies over Asia. These incidents could be classified as hostile, war-like acts, if they were done deliberately. But such actions are forbidden under a U.N. convention called ENMOD.


In the 1 970s, the Americans became so frightened by the weather effects caused by the Korolev-founded program, the Pentagon founded its own Project Nile Blue, later renamed Climate Dynamics. But hopelessly behind without the Tesla mechanism known as the scalar potential interferometer, the U.S. Senate, under Sen. Claiborne Pell’s initiative, pushed for a ban on hostile uses of weather Control technology at the Committee on Disarmament in August 1975. The U.N. ban, passed in 1977, is called “The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,” or ENMOD.

For a while, Leonid Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter succeeded in restraining climate engineers. ENMOD, however, did not ban the “peaceful” applications of such technologies. The climate engineers made their comeback at the Rio Earth Summit in 1991. They argued that global warming and the shrinking of the ozone layer could be retarded by conservation and decreased pollution, but they could not be reversed—unless powerful EM technologies are used to engineer the upper atmosphere. (Never mind that EM pulses rapidly destroy the atmosphere—the politicians and industrialists were easily swayed by Big Science, however misbegotten.)

The problem was, EM technologies could not patch the ozone hole or lower temperatures. So the climate engineers, especially the ones with MITI, devised an alternative approach—carbon dioxide sequestering through forestation. The idea is to bombard the deserts of Western Australia, the Western U.S. and the Sahel with EM waves to cause low pressure and precipitation. Vast forests would grow and convert CO2 and other gases into wood and generate oxygen. The major center for this continuing research program happens to be in the environs of Banjawarn, West Australia, where Aum owned a sheep station.



OK, Moscow had an incredibly cold winter, as was usual before the 1970s. So the Russians are promising not to wreak havoc to wipe out the Midwest’s soybean crop, but they still want to... Save Humanity from the Impending Horror of Extinction. The most likely Cause is the avenging angels from heaven, better known as rogue asteroids.

When a pair of researchers in the Yucatan claimed that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a big, skidding meteorite, mainstream scientists howled with laughter. Then, they watched in total awe as Levy-Shoemaker bowled into Jupiter like a runaway train hitting a dump truck. A similar hit on Earth would not just wipe out human civilization; it would mean the end of life.


The Apocalypse suddenly found thousands of true believers in white lab coats. Hubble showed us a whole lot more are one their way toward Earth. A 3-kni-long carrot-shaped thing passes outside the moon, and will return much closer next time. Astronomers calculate quickly, and realize that meteor impacts come in cyclical waves and that Saturn’s gravitational tug has been shaking loose asteroids from one of the “Trojan swarms” circling the sun in the same orbit as Jupiter. These rogues then fall toward the Sun.

The dire predictions caught the attention of the U.S. Air Force, specifically the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, or BMDO. In 1994, BMDO attached two warhead-fitted rockets onto a space probe called Clementine I, which passed the moon and then were supposed to fire the rockets at an asteroid, to blow off fragments. The BMDO claimed the experiment failed.


More than year later, a strange “alien ship” appears to approach and follow the Hale-Bopp asteroid, which suddenly gives off a huge cloud of dust and changes course erratically. Did our darling Clementine happen to hit the wrong asteroid? Clementine II, fitted with rocket-launched research probes, is scheduled for launch in early 1998.

Curiously, physicists learned that asteroids have extremely strong magnetic fields. When approaching Earth, their trajectory tends to be deflected by the planet’s own EM field. In other words, an artificial EM field could possibly deflect an incoming asteroid by a few degrees—not enough to force it away from entry but sufficiently to save, let’s say Tokyo or New York City. Can such a large, strong EM field be created artificially?


The West Australians who witnessed the creation of a “Tesla shield” in isolated Banjawarn (while Kiyohide Hayakawa was in the vicinity on May 28, 1993) attest to the fact that the bubble of pink light held for about 2 hours before it suddenly shut down.


Solar Plasma

Another space invader, besides the ones in Hollywood movies and Sega game machines, is called the Solar Blob. Every 11 years or so, the Sun releases a huge ball of energy, a blob of magnetized plasma that weighs several billion tons and moves at 620 miles per second. If one locks onto and merges into the weak side of the Earth’s magnetosphere (like a male plug into a socket), it creates a vast geomagnetic storm that disables any electronic in the skies and on the ground. The last big one hit, luckily at 2 AM, March 13, 1983, in the vicinity of Quebec.


It crashed the Eastern Canadian power grid for 9 hours. The next big corona mass ejection is due this year sometime. If it hits in the daytime in summer, when power usage is maximized, in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant, the results could be spectacular. The total blackout would also knock out backup power systems and make all the electronic controls spin around like tops. In other words, nothing could prevent a nuclear meltdown. Is it any wonder that Japanese scientists are eager for the Russians to build a Tesla shield generator on one of the four disputed Kurile Islands, under the new cooperation pact?


An EM shield could theoretically repel or divert a geomagnetic storm, at least away from something like a nuclear power station. Nobody knows what causes the solar blowout. No one really knows what happens when a very large asteroid slams into the fusion reactor known as the Sun. This year, NASA is sending two spacecraft toward the Sun to monitor the next solar outburst.


Polar Shift

The magnetic poles of the Earth periodically reverse themselves. How the north pole become magnetic south, and vice versa, occurs is not understood, but it has happened many times in the geological past. The vast flux of magnetic energy is bound to create electromagnetic havoc—blackouts, nuclear meltdowns and the like. By encasing strategic command-and-control centers, ballistic missile silos, nuclear subs and nuclear power stations under Tesla shields, it may be possible to prevent a nuclear holocaust.


As the polar reversal could shut down the Earth’s own energy field for a long time (it could be one of those days mentioned by the ancients when the sun stood still) or it could be as short as a billionth of a second, space planners would rely on plasma-generated laser and microwave energy beaming down to ground reception stations to power the Tesla shields. This is truly sci-fi terrain we’ve entered. Even with the most advanced technology, something is likely to go wrong.


Power Generation

Asteroids, solar plasma and the increasing use of artificial EM highlight the problems of nuclear power. If these terrors don’t destroy humanity, a series of meltdowns is guaranteed to finish off our species. Therefore, industrial societies will have to face the prospects of shutting down nuclear plants and find alternative sources of energy.


EM technology can provide new energy in abundance, though the money-grubbing industrial leadership will not willingly to tap into the cheapest energy source – the Earth’s own electromagnetism. Instead, they will pursue crazy schemes, such as using satellites to capture solar energy and beaming it down to Earth stations as ELF energy or sending ELF waves from ground stations near major gas fields in places like Arabia, Indonesia and Alaska to consuming countries.


These strategies are sure to cause further environmental havoc—and widen the ozone holes over our heads. Sheer blind luck has enabled the human race to survive so far. Ignorance was bliss; will our new knowledge prove to be a curse? Nikola Tesla dreamed of a world of unlimited free energy for peaceful ends; what his technology is spawning is a world of limitless terror.

(Authors note: The long, intricate history of EM technology and theory could not be covered except as a caricature in this already sprawling article. The affects of EM waves on human brain activity by Soviet and U.S psychiatrists also had to be neglected as tangential to this story. Archipelago puts this material on-line only because it falls within the parameters of the Aum affair; the problem of human extinction is really beyond the scope of this on-line project, at least for now. Since the many implications of this esoteric technology are disturbing and provocative to say the least, we are happy to answer questions to Archipelago, and can provide research sources on specific issues, as they are too extensive and fragmented to be listed here, without footnoting every sentence.)


See: Part 2 Victory for Shambhala


Further information:




The Aggressive Myth of Shambhala

The Shambhala Myth and the West

The Doomsday Guru Shoko Asahara and XIV Dalai Lama




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